Antonio Ahn

Residence: Melbourne, Australia
Citizenship: New Zealand


Post-doc. Goel lab. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Melbourne. Australia. 2019 - present.

Medical Laboratory Scientist. Department of immunology and infectious diseases. Dunedin hospital. Part-time work (20 hours per week). 2012- 2016


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 2015- 2019

Masters in Medical Laboratory Science, 2014

Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science, 2011

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, 2007-2010



RNA-sequencing, lncRNA analysis (using genecode annotations and kallisto), Transposable Element (using salmonTE), microarray gene expression, Immune decomposition tools, Methylation 450k, TCGA data analysis (RNA-seq, methylation 450k).


Flow Cytometry, Cell culture, siRNA knockdown, Sequenome (DNA methylation), PCR (RT-qPCR, sanger sequencing, nested PCR), phenotypic assays: migration (scratch assay, Bowden chamber), proliferation (MTT assay), live cell imaging (Incucyte).

Most recent posters

Constitutive PD-L1 expression is associated with a distinct geneexpression signature related to an aggressive phenotype in melanoma
QMB cancer satellite conference, August 2018. Won the poster award. Poster.

DNA methylation regulates PD-L1 expression by activating endogenous retrovirus elements and the viral mimicry pathway
Epigenetics User Group Symposium, July 2018. Won the poster award.
Dunedin School of Medicine Symposium, June 2018. Won the poster award. Poster.

Stratification of TCGA melanoma patients according to Tumor Infiltrative CD8 Lymphocytes and PD-L1 expression using RNA-seq and 450k methylation data
Queenstown Molecular Biology conference, September 2017. Won the speaker award. Poster.

Research Experience

Goel lab
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, 2019 - Present

Eccles lab and Chatterjee lab
Pathology Department, University of Otago, 2016 - 2019

Eccles lab
Pathology Department, University of Otago, 2014 - Present

Slatter lab
Pathology Department, University of Otago, 2011 - 2013